jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008


Primeras Impresiones de la Cultura China
Tercera Delegación SEPP – Chile
Año 2008

Lidia Contreras (estudiante de la Universidad de Viña del Mar)

Everybody needs an open mind to partake in new experiences. Participating in the SEPP-Chile is a wonderful experience because not everyone has the opportunity to attend a Chinese university and teach English to Chinese students. Nowadays globalization has become very important; therefore, people need to be in contact with people from other countries and possess a good understanding of foreign cultures: a good relationship is essential to becoming a winner!!!

Living here in China has made me realize that the Chinese people we meet in Chile are totally different to the Chinese people living in their own country. Their language, their manners, the food are totally different and I have to consider all these differences as a challenge.Everyday I learn more and more with my Chinese students about their language and culture. I think this is an incredible experience.

Olive Bullemor (estudiante de la Universidad de Aconcagua)

My time here at Zhejiang Gongshang University has been very pleasant. When I first met the students I had to teach, I thought that they would be very quiet and shy but as time goes by I have realized they are very easy going and talkative. I have learned a lot from them and their culture living at the Xiasha Campus.

Both chinese and chilean culures are quite different and similar at the same time:our families teach us how to behave and face the world, how to be responsible and respectful. However, there are certain aspects of the daily life here that we chileans do not share for example: eating with chopsticks, sleeping on nothing but very thin and hard wood mattress or even farting in front of others.

Overall this experience has helped me to understand the way of living here and what people at least my Chinese students expect from life.

Marcelo Mandiola (estudiante de la Universidad Católica del Norte - Antofagasta)

Until a couple of days I thought that heaven was impossible to be found on earth but today I can say that heaven does exist, I feel like I am in heaven in this beautiful country with strong cultural roots and wonderful people. Chinese people will hold a special place in my heart and memories forever!!!

Rafael Figueroa (estudiante de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)

What surprises me in a special way is the fact that China being such a big nation makes the people feel completely isolated from the rest of the world; China has very strong cultural roots and also has its own speed and pace of life. At the same time, this produces on the young generations a feeling of an unreachable world where they are not allowed to dream. Most of the Chinese people have no idea about the rest of the world and how people live in other places than China.

This experience has been for me an amazing opportunity, a sort of “gift” that allows me to be able to understand this culture and to have my own opinion about how this nation is developing and interacting with the rest of the world.

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Video Reunión SEPP-CHILE 2008